Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Saying no to a date sometimes can be pretty tasking. You might have been labelled a snub,rude, arrogant or whatever name there is. The truth about the matter is that you simply can't say yes to every Tom, Dick and Harry that cares to ask you on a date. However, the manner in which you decline a date is very important so that you won't end up hurting his feeling or self esteem. Below are few tips on how to politely decline a date without creating an awkward environment for both of you especially if you have been in the friend's zone a while.

  • Be honest about it. You don't necessarily have to explain yourself but if you do, make sure to be honest about it. Dont tell him to give you time to think about it when your answet is an outright no.
  • Don't be rude. Don't try to turn a guy down by sizing him up or turning up your nose like some disgusting figure is standing right in front of you. .
  • Be firm. Guys generally tend to think that a girl can say no when she means yes. Some are just persistent by nature. Whichever the case, be firm with your answer and avoid giving him the green light while saying no.
  • Don't laugh at him. When a guy makes his proposal, no matter how ridiculous or annoying it may sound, resist the urge to burst into laughter right in front of him. The rejection is bad enough so avoid making fun of him too

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