Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Back in d days when I was much younger, I thought beauty sleep was a special kind of sleep for celebrities ( I often hear beauty sleep in Hollywood movies and from those playing celeb) lol.
Now I know better Y'ALL NEED THAT BEAUTY SLEEP biko.

Often times, we have heard of different conflicting, tiring and expensive beauty regime and products for a flawless face. While I am not against expensive beauty regime, it is important to note that you might be missing out on something.......SLEEP. Oh yes Sleep!!!!!.... You know what else?? SLEEP is absolutely free.

I am not talking about 2am to 5am sleep. I am talking of adequate, 8 hours or more of sleep. Your face does a lot of work during the day and takes time to repair and replace worn out tissues at night when you sleep. Denying yourself adequate sleep is denying your face the beauty it deserves.
Below are few ways inadequate sleep messes with your face.

  • It speeds up aging. Your body actually makes collagen while you sleep and this collagen helps to prevent your skin from sagging, wrinkling and fine lines. Rather than splurging on artificial collagen products, why not enjoy the one straight from your own body.
  • Baggy eyes. Have you noticed those ugly bulges just beneath your eyes? Well...those are the after effect of inadequate sleep just in case you don't know. Try to add more hours to your sleep and watch the magic.
  • It dulls your complexion. Inadequate sleep lowers the moisture level as well as the pH of your skin and this can lead to dull complexion.
  • Breakout.  Acne, pimples, zits or whatever you choose to call it is a byproduct of inadequate sleep. Let's face it.. When you are deprived of sleep, you become stressed and stress and agravations are one of the major causes of breakout.
  • Black eyes. It has become fashionable these days to line your lower eyelid. But there's definitely a huge difference between the thin line of eyeliner dabbed on your lower lid and a huge patch of tar on your lower lid as though you got the wrong end of a fight. 


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Back in d days when I was much younger, I thought beauty sleep was a special kind of sleep for celebrities ( I often hear beauty sleep in Hollywood movies and from those playing celeb) lol.
Now I know better Y'ALL NEED THAT BEAUTY SLEEP biko.

Often times, we have heard of different conflicting, tiring and expensive beauty regime and products for a flawless face. While I am not against expensive beauty regime, it is important to note that you might be missing out on something.......SLEEP. Oh yes Sleep!!!!!.... You know what else?? SLEEP is absolutely free.

I am not talking about 2am to 5am sleep. I am talking of adequate, 8 hours or more of sleep. Your face does a lot of work during the day and takes time to repair and replace worn out tissues at night when you sleep. Denying yourself adequate sleep is denying your face the beauty it deserves.
Below are few ways inadequate sleep messes with your face.

  • It speeds up aging. Your body actually makes collagen while you sleep and this collagen helps to prevent your skin from sagging, wrinkling and fine lines. Rather than splurging on artificial collagen products, why not enjoy the one straight from your own body.
  • Baggy eyes. Have you noticed those ugly bulges just beneath your eyes? Well...those are the after effect of inadequate sleep just in case you don't know. Try to add more hours to your sleep and watch the magic.
  • It dulls your complexion. Inadequate sleep lowers the moisture level as well as the pH of your skin and this can lead to dull complexion.
  • Breakout.  Acne, pimples, zits or whatever you choose to call it is a byproduct of inadequate sleep. Let's face it.. When you are deprived of sleep, you become stressed and stress and agravations are one of the major causes of breakout.
  • Black eyes. It has become fashionable these days to line your lower eyelid. But there's definitely a huge difference between the thin line of eyeliner dabbed on your lower lid and a huge patch of tar on your lower lid as though you got the wrong end of a fight. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Saying no to a date sometimes can be pretty tasking. You might have been labelled a snub,rude, arrogant or whatever name there is. The truth about the matter is that you simply can't say yes to every Tom, Dick and Harry that cares to ask you on a date. However, the manner in which you decline a date is very important so that you won't end up hurting his feeling or self esteem. Below are few tips on how to politely decline a date without creating an awkward environment for both of you especially if you have been in the friend's zone a while.

  • Be honest about it. You don't necessarily have to explain yourself but if you do, make sure to be honest about it. Dont tell him to give you time to think about it when your answet is an outright no.
  • Don't be rude. Don't try to turn a guy down by sizing him up or turning up your nose like some disgusting figure is standing right in front of you. .
  • Be firm. Guys generally tend to think that a girl can say no when she means yes. Some are just persistent by nature. Whichever the case, be firm with your answer and avoid giving him the green light while saying no.
  • Don't laugh at him. When a guy makes his proposal, no matter how ridiculous or annoying it may sound, resist the urge to burst into laughter right in front of him. The rejection is bad enough so avoid making fun of him too

Monday, September 19, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Today I will talk on healthy living with focus on HEALTHY EATING. Often times, we think healthy eating is all about following a strict dietary regime, a life of complete abstinence from your sweet tooth or worse still, setting a goal of been unrealistically THIN.

Healthy eating is really about eating to have enough energy as required by your body, looking smart, fresh and attractive and also being in the right frame of mind ALWAYS.

As opposed to many peoples thinking, healthy eating is not meant for only the plus size lady aiming to go down to a size 2. It is for every single Lady out there.

Healthy eating isn't as tasking as many of us think. Below are few guidelines to help you in your journey to healthy eating:

  • Avoid over processed food
  • Make sure your meal is a balanced diet.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  • Prepare your own meals.
  • Drink plenty water
  • East meals in small proportion.
  • Avoid late night meals.
  • Incorporate whole grains and food high in dietary fibre
  • Eat food rich in calcium.
  • Substitute natural spices for processed ones.
  • Eat just as much calorie as you can burn.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Its another Sunday again. The beginning of a brand new week. The weekend is almost over. So as u relax and refresh for d week ahead, did u attend any event over the weekend or you ve some stunning styles u ll like to share with your ladies, kindly DM us in IG @exquisite_beadjewelry or watsapp on 08039713744.

Below re some pics for your viewing pleasure

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Recently, I ve decided to talk mostly about things I love to apply on myself on this blog. Since this blog is centred around ladies and I happen to be a lady myself. I feel that most of the questions going on in my mind might be going on in yours too.

I love beautiful healthy long hairs and I really feel jealous when I see ladies with long hair( pardon me, but that's real,) knowing that I was once there but some careless mistakes and improper maintenance have cost me my beautiful long black hair.

Ok. All moaning and whining stopped, let's go on to the business of the day which is to take care of the hair.

Just like the skin, a beautiful healthy hair requires special attention, care, time and patience. Below are few guidelines:

Know your hair type/texture.

Use products specified for your hair texture rather than skin colour.

Choose the right shampoo

Do not replace shampooing with co-washing

For most black, our hair tends to be super curly and easily gets dry. So invest in moisturizing the hair.

If your hair is prone to drying, avoid constant washing as this tends to dry up the hair oil.

Avoid wearing your hair tight

Avoid much stress by wearing extensions

Eat healthily

Avoid greasy hair products that tend to weigh down your hair.

...........Hope this helps

Friday, September 9, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Money talks and Bullshit walks is a very popular saying. Don't really know how i picked that phrase up but that happens to be what am basing today's post on.

Women still face unique challenges when it comes to money but can empower themselves to control their future. Today, it has become increasingly necessary that women find their way to financial freedom.

Rather than crossing our legs and watching the latest episode of whatever flies on DSTV and waiting for a MAN to provide us with everything money can buy, we should find a way of taking control of our financial lives.

It is never too late to build a financial wall around you and your family that no adversity can ever get through. You can actually get to a point where

  • You have enough assets that pay for all your expenses now and in the future.
  • You can travel with your family when and where you like with no restrictions.
  • You can afford the home you want
  • You can send your kids to the schools you desire.
  • Your shopping does not depend on how cheap the price tag is.

Yes!! You can absolutely do all these without even bothering your significant other half. However, it all starts with your decision as a woman to grab your key to financial freedom

Its a well known opinion that women never have money (literally, this is so untrue) but I still think it wont hurt if we know how to save and invest money especially in these trying times we are in for Nigerians.

We will commence a series on women and financial freedom.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

SINGLEHOOD.............. DON"T SAY YES SIMPLY BECAUSE...........................

Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Today's post is specially dedicated to the singles both old and young. You ve probably planned out the year or even the BIG day and as the year gradually draws to an end, you wonder if you will end up alone once again. It can be frustrating and depressing especially when everybody around you seem to be hooking up. Whatever be the case, PLEASE don't be too desperate as to give up every sense of reason. Don't ever say yes because of the following reasons.

Don't say yes simply because all your friends are married and are probably in the third or fourth kid

Don't say yes simply because you haven't felt loved or appreciated in a long time

Don't say yes simply because were given a brand new car, apartment or even RING

Don't say yes simply because you are lonely

Don't say yes simply because its an arranged relationship and you don't want to hurt the arrangee

Don't say yes simply because everyone thinks you are both cute together

Don't say yes simply because age is no longer all your side

Don't say yes simply because he says all the lovely LIES you want to hear

Don't say yes simply because he is handsome

Don't say yes simply because he has a fat pocket and lives in posh houses

Don't say yes simply because he makes you laugh

...............Just so you know, the right guy will definitely show up at God's own time. Till then, give yourself all the love you deserve and be as happy as you can. Enjoy the days of single hood and believe God for the right person. When he comes, be sure to check all the things that matter so that your period of wait will not be wasted by settling for the WRONG guy.


Monday, September 5, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

There has been much vibe in my office lately about oat meal plus I have been an ardent oatmeal fan of recent. So I decided to do this quick post on some basic facts about oats. Hope I get to convert you to the oat side of life.....lolzzzz.

Oats are a whole-grain cereal mainly grown in North America and Europe. All oatmeal starts as whole groat oats, which are then processed to varying degrees. The process begins with heating and cooling the oat groats to help give them a nutty flavor. After this, oat groats are processed into:
Steel-cut oats: roughly cut into several pieces by grinder or blender as the case maybe. This variety takes the longest to cook, and has a toothsome, chewy texture that retains much of its shape even after cooking.
Rolled oats:  look like flat, irregularly round, slightly textured discs( like ogbono for making okro soup) When processed, the whole grains of oats are first steamed to make them soft and pliable, then pressed to flatten them. These cook faster than steel-cut oats, absorb more liquid, and hold their shape relatively well during cooking. 
Instant oatmeal: these are the most processed of the three oat varieties. They are pre-cooked, dried, and then rolled and pressed slightly thinner than rolled oats (Good Morning white oat is a good example)

Overall, oatmeal is one of the healthier breakfast items you can consume, altough there are sight differences in nutrition with steel-cut oats compared to other varieties.
Steel cut oat
Rolled oat


Oat groat
Instant cooking oat

Nutritional Value of Oat: Based on a 100g oat.

General Info: 

8 %
16.9 g
66.3 g
10.6 g
6.9 g
1.22 g
2.18 g
2.54 g
0.11 g
2.42 g
Trans fat

 Vitamin Info

Vitamin A
0 µg
Vitamin C
0 mg
Vitamin D
0 µg
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
0.76 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
0.14 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
0.96 mg
Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic acid)
1.35 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
0.12 mg
Vitamin B12
0 µg
56 µg

Mineral Info:

54 mg
4.72 mg
177 mg
523 mg
429 mg
2 mg
3.97 mg
0.63 mg
4.92 mg