Friday, March 18, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

Often times, we tend to think that a beauty routine should really be for those with troublesome skin conditions like acne, EXCESSIVELY oily face, or for people trying to lighten their skin color. well.... let me categorically emphasize that a daily skin care routine is for everybody. Am really extra lazy when it comes to taking care of my skin. Thanks to my blog cos I ve started to invest in beauty product (you ve got to do what you preach right?) Hopefully, one day,  I will become so accustomed to a beauty regime. Till then....................*singing #one step at a time

Step 1: Cleansing

One of the most important steps to any beauty regimen is daily cleansing of the facial area. At minimum, you should cleanse your face twice a day, in morning and in evening. Whether you choose a facial cleansing bar or a foam wash for the task doesn’t matter. However, you should be sure the cleanser you use is right for your skin type. If you’re not sure, visit a qualified makeup vendor or artist.Cleansing is extremely important in the morning, so you can be sure any dirt that collected in the night is cleared away before you apply cosmetics. In the evening, it’s important to wash away the dirt and makeup from the day. With today’s modern products, cleaning your face should only take you a few minutes and every woman should spare at least two minutes in the morning and at night!

Step 2: Toning

Whether you have dry, normal, oily or combination skin, it’s important to use a toner right after you’ve cleansed your face at night. A toner further removes dirt from your face and works to tighten your pores. Again, be sure you choose a toner specifically for your skin type, to see the best results. To apply toner, simply wet a clean cotton ball with it and swipe it across your face. If you’re in an extreme hurry, you can always choose to hit the most important areas like your forehead, nose and chin.

Step 3: Moisturizing

Moisturizer is very important to help you protect your face from aging and to help repair the damage already done to your skin. Learning how to apply moisturizer is extremely simple. All you need to do is wait for your toner to dry completely and then apply your facial lotion all over your face. Blend it in gently (do not scrub) and wait for it to dry before applying your makeup. If you want extra protection, look for moisturizers with sunscreen (SPF)built in. In addition, if you are more concerned about skin aging, look for varieties that offer added age reversal effects.

 Learning how to properly care for your skin can help you reduce the signs of aging, repair signs of aging, steer clear of blemishes and always show up with a clear and fresh face. Your makeup will go on smoother.

I am trying so hard to make this an addiction so why don't you join me for the task ahead and you will be glad you did. 

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