Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

how to walk in high heels for beginners

I have often heard comments about my high heel shoes like; “Babe this heel long ooo or how do you even walk on those or I wish I could walk on heels”. I am not saying am perfect or something when it comes to heels. Can’t remember taking any training on how to walk on heels sha. But if you are one of those that love heels just like me but unfortunately, can’t walk in them, then here are a few tips on how to walk gracefully in heels.

Train yourself

If you’ve never worn heels on a regular basis, a pair of 6″ stilettos probably isn’t the best place to start. Instead, go for something mid-height, and, once you’re used to walking in those, start to gradually work your way up. The thinner the heel, the harder it’ll be to balance on it, so when you’re still getting used to walking in high heels, choose thicker, block heels for stability. Also consider starting with platforms as they make the heels feel lower than it actually is
Walk heel to toe
Put your heel down first, followed by your toe which transfers impact to the leg instead of the ball of the foot. This will also make your walk look more natural. High heels don’t just make you walk taller, they also force you to walk differently.

Take small steps
Wearing heels makes your stride shorter than normal, so you’ll have to take an increased number of small steps to go the same distance. You might be tempted to rush to cover up right? But nah nah that na serious disaster.  Like it or not, you can’t really stride or run in heels (well, you can, and once you know how to walk in high heels, running in them won’t seem like a big deal, but you’re probably going to want to wait until you’ve mastered the “walking” bit first!),

Lean slightly back
You may find you want to walk faster than your heels will allow, and end up craning your neck forward to compensate. This ends up looking strange, so allow yourself to lean just the slightest bit back when walking in heels, as this will counteract your inclination to lean forward. 

Walk in straight line
When you want to draw a straight line, you’ll get better results if you look at your end point as you draw, rather than looking at your pencil as it moves. Visualise a straight line going toward your end point, rather than looking down at your heels as you walk. 

Make sure your shoes fit
If your shoes are ill fitting, it makes the difficult task of walking naturally in heels almost impossible. If your heels are too big, use shoe pads for a better fit. Fit is particularly important with heels, because if you’re struggling just to keep them on your feet (or wincing in pain every time your foot hits the ground), you’ll find it practically impossible to walk in them.



A lot of women have a tendency to hold themselves very stiffly when they’re learning how to walk in high heels. Try to relax: not only will it look more natural, it’ll also be more comfortable, and make you less likely to hurt yourself.

Avoid very smooth soles
One of the biggest issues people have when learning how to walk in high heels is slippage: a lot of high heeled shoes have soles which are completely smooth, and don’t offer any grip at all, and that makes them even harder to walk in than would otherwise be the case. We know all about friction right????

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