Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Hello Sweet Sweet!!

I realise I have been posting and posting without actually introducing myself or st least posting a me me look. So this is me:

Ladyesworld is a design name by my humble self Ebere Obiorah. It was actually  meant to be Ladiesworld (which is the correct pronunciation for the blog) but unfortunately, the name was taken so I had to replace the "i" with a "y".

Back to myself. I am actually a Drilling Engineer by profession but I have a passion for fashion and craft. I am from Anambra state. Alor London to be precise.........youknowwharsmsaying?

Ladyesworld is a blog for all round ladies stuff. We are also into UK wears, bead jewelry, braided wigs plus fashion designing (in progress). My dream for Ladyesworld is to make it a fashion line and a household name at that. Do help me God.
Having said all this, this is me.......unveiled. Lolzzzzz

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